49-year-old man with diabetes with gangrenous foot, 2 weeks after amputation
of the great toe for osteomyelitis. now with gas in the soft tissues, around the
1st metatarsal bone. (Click on the images to see larger
46-year-old man with
diabetes and Staph
aureus sepsis. The initial radiograph demonstrated questionable soft tissue gas about the ankle. CT images of this area showed multiple small foci of
soft tissue gas. He was taken immediately to surgery, where there was
extensive myonecrosis and necrotizing fasciitis. (Click on the
image to see larger version)

62-year-old woman
with diabetes and e-coli sepsis. AP radiograph of the foot demonstrates questionable gas
in 1st toe. Sagital T1 weighted image of the 1st toe clearly demonstrates small areas of
signal void, consistent with gas, in the soft tissues and the phalanges. (Click on the images to see larger