Screw in Spinal Canal
male with a history of a fall at home with a workup that revealed a fracture of
the odontoid process. The
fracture was a posterior oblique type with an 8.0 mm posterior displacement.
The patient was neurologically intact and was kept in an Aspen collar at
all times prior to surgery. Given
the amount of displacement of the odontoid process and the patient's age and
reluctance to wear a halo, it was decided that an odontoid screw would be a good
option for this patient.
radiograph obtained one day after surgery to assess for adequacy of
reduction and screw placement. The
film shows a threaded fixation screw coursing from the inferior endplate
of C-2 up through the tip of C2 with only two of the threads actually
within cortex with at least 8 mm of hardware protruding beyond the cortex
of C2 superiorly and the degree of protrusion posteriorly into the canal
appears to be 5 mm at its greatest extent. |