

Muecke EC, Currarino G: Congenital widening of the pubic symphysis: associated clinical disorders and roentgen anatomy of affected bony pelves. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 1968 May;103(1):179-85.          [See related articles]

Matsoukas J, Giannikas A, Kapetsis P, Theodorelos P: Congenital widening of pubic symphysis in association with diphallus and congenital solitary kidney. Helv Paediatr Acta 1972 Jul;27(3):277-9.          [See related articles]

Xie DZ: [Congenital separation of the pubic bones and anomaly of the lower G. U. tract]. Chung Hua Fang She Hsueh Tsa Chih 1985 Apr;19(2):100-2 .          [See related articles]

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